香港視覺藝術協會 簡介
曾舉辦展覽活動包括1990區域市政局主辦 「視藝精英」計劃、1991年新形『色』展覽.另類作品展 – 視覺藝術協會第十八屆年展 、新貌2004:香港視覺藝術協會第三十一屆年展、2008年「藝遊鄰里計劃IV」的首項展覽「薪火相傳--香港視覺藝術協會第三十五屆年展」、2013香港視藝40載: 香港視覺藝術協會第四十屆年展、2017「春夏頓漸」-香港視覺藝術協會第四十三屆年展 、「工藝源流‧藝術語言」-香港視覺藝術協會大灣區視藝交流展等。四十餘載對藝術文化的深耕細作,藝術的足跡遍佈香港。
The Hong Kong Visual Arts Society (HKVAS) was established in 1973, initially formed up by the graduates from Arts & Design faculty under HKUSPACE Programmes in its early stage, for over 40 years development, nowadays VAS has been accredited as one of the long-standing arts associations, whereas its members are mainly from renowned precursors as well as those artists who have earned high reputation.
Enriched with exuberant arts experience, its creation pieces are full of diversified style, which are not limited to Chinese or Western paintings; also cover photography, sculpture, ceramic and installation arts etc. With strong passionate towards arts, VAS members have been continuously organizing an array of innovative arts activities such as arts fairs, painting forums, artists station at schools, as well as promoting arts education over the years, aiming to foster local arts development.
VAS’s core mission is wholly devoted to elevate local arts development, apart from this aspiration; it also aims to uphold the legacy over generations and to nurture talents in arts industry, so as to retain the flourishing stages in arts history and to advocate the arts development in Hong Kong.
2018 Craft Ingenuity Art Mastery - Hong Kong Visual Arts Society Greater Bay Area Visual Art Exchange Exhibition
2017 Visions Present & Future– 43th Anniversary Exhibition of Hong Kong Visual Arts Society
2008Artists in the Neighborhood Scheme IV: Inheritance – 35th Anniversary Exhibition of Hong Kong Visual Arts Society
2004 NEW PHASE 2004 – The Hong Kong Visual Arts Society 31st Annual Exhibition
1991 NEO-SENSES: Alternative Work of Art, The Visual Art Society 18th Annual Exhibition
1990 The Best of Visual Arts Programme presented by the Regional Council, Hong Kong